Our Janus desalination axial piston pumps are totally oil free, clean and completely safe to use. As a result of employing advanced materials, high velocity and loaded sliding surfaces, the range of pumps can operate effectively with seawater as their only coolant/
lubricant therefore, this removes the potential for cross contamination of the system fluid or lubricating oil.
Each pump employs technology that minimises vibration and ensures a low noise yet high efficiency operation. The result is an exceptionally small, light-weight product ideally suited for the RO market.
ATEX approved to comply with regulations of Directive 94/9/EC for equipment or protection systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres. Product group, category, zones: II 2GD ck T6 T85°C +1°C≤TA≤+40°C.
Desalination Configurator
Desalination Configurator